Common carrier delay for 48 hours
Accommodation made uninhabitable
Must be purchased before storm is named
Hurricane and Weather can reimburse a traveler in the event they must cancel or interrupt their trip due to inclement weather.
We will pay you up to the maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits for loss(es) incurred by you or your traveling companion for a covered trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure due to any of the following unforeseen events:
a. Weather at the departure site which causes complete cessation of services of your common carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours and prevents you from reaching your destination;
b. Your or your traveling companion’s destination being made uninhabitable or inaccessible by natural disaster, that is due to natural causes; vandalism or burglary. Benefits are not payable if a hurricane is named on or before the effective date of your Trip Cancellation Coverage. Benefits are not payable if the natural disaster is foreseeable prior to your effective date. A natural disaster is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm;c. Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at your destination due to hurricane or other natural disaster for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours preventing you from staying at your destination;
d. Named hurricane causing cancellation of travel to your destination because it has become uninhabitable for the greater of: (1) four (4) days or (2) fifty percent (50%) of your covered trip length. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within fourteen (14) calendar days after the named hurricane makes your destination accommodations uninhabitable. Your destination accommodations are uninhabitable if:
(i) the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part;
(ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail or flood;
(iii) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared, such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines; or
(iv) the rental property is without electricity or water.
Benefits are not payable if a hurricane is named on or before the effective date of your Trip Cancellation coverage or less than fourteen (14) days after the effective date of your Trip Cancellation coverage.
We will pay you up to the maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits for loss(es) incurred by you or your traveling companion for a covered trip interrupted after the date and time of departure due to any of the following unforeseen events:
a. A named hurricane making your primary residence uninhabitable or making the destination inaccessible or uninhabitable. Coverage for a hurricane applies only if insurance was purchased prior to the tropical storm first being upgraded to a hurricane. We will only pay the benefits for losses occurring within thirty (30) days after the named hurricane makes your destination uninhabitable or inaccessible;
b. Weather at the departure site which causes complete cessation of services of your common carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours and prevents you from reaching your destination; andc. The destination is placed under a hurricane warning, as issued by the NOAA hurricane center, after the departure date.