Covered for 100% of trip cost if purchased within 15 days of trip deposit
Cancel For Work Reasons can reimburse a traveler to cancel their trip due to specific unforeseen work-related conditions.
We will pay you up to the maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits for loss(es) incurred by you or your traveling companion for a covered trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure due to any of the following unforeseen events:
a. You or your traveling companion or parent or legal guardian if the insured is a child has an involuntary employer-initiated permanent transfer within the same organization of two hundred fifty (250) or more miles which requires your primary residence to be relocated provided that you have been an active employee for the same employer for at least three (3) continuous years. Notification of the transfer must occur after the effective date and the transfer must occur within thirty (30) days of the scheduled departure date;
c. You or your traveling companion are required to work during the covered trip. You or your traveling companion must demonstrate proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of your or your traveling companion’s employer and said employer must be comprised of at least twenty-five (25) employees. You or your traveling companion cannot be a company owner or partner. This benefit only applies if the policy has been purchased within fifteen (15) days of your initial payment for the covered trip;
d. You or your traveling companion are employed as a full time teacher or other full time employee, a student or parent of a student at a primary or secondary school and are required to complete an extended school year that falls on or beyond the scheduled departure date. School extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered;
e. Your company is directly involved in a merger or acquisition. You must be an active employee of the company(ies) that is/are merging and you must be directly involved in such an event;
f. Your business operations are interrupted by fire, flood, burglary, vandalism, product recall, bankruptcy, natural disaster, or financial default;
g. Your employer is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or natural disaster and you or your traveling companion are directly involved as a key employee of the disaster recovery team. This coverage applies only if insurance was purchased within fifteen (15) calendar days of initial covered trip payment;
h. You or your traveling companion are called to active military duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster, or military leave is revoked or reassigned within thirty (30) days of the scheduled departure date, except because of war, the War Powers Act, or disciplinary action. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the effective date.