100% of the trip cost
Trip Cancellation provides reimbursement for prepaid and non-refundable trip payments if a trip is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances, including illness, injury, or death.
We will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, if You are prevented from taking Your Covered Trip due to any of the Unforeseen Events listed below occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy. Maximum trip length is also shown on the Schedule of Benefits.
We will pay You for the following:
a) The amount of forfeited, non-refundable, and unused Payments or Deposits; or
b) Additional cost incurred if the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip due to an Unforeseen Event and You elect to utilize the service of a replacement Travel Supplier.
In no event shall the amount We pay exceed the lesser of the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip or the maximum benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits.
Single Occupancy: We will pay You, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the Covered Trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with You has his or her Covered Trip delayed, canceled or interrupted due to an Unforeseen Event occurring on or after the Effective Date of the Policy and You do not cancel Your Covered Trip.
Special Conditions: You must advise the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a claim. We will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had You notified the Travel Supplier and Us as soon as reasonably possible.
The Following are the Unforeseen Events for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption:
a) Your Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death or the Accidental Injury, Covered Sickness or death of Your Traveling Companion, Your Family Member, Your children’s caregiver or Your Business Partner; that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your participation or continued participation in the Covered Trip. A Physician must advise cancellation of the Covered Trip on or before the Scheduled Departure Date.
b) An Accidental Injury incurred by You that causes You to be medically unable to continue Your trip’s activity(ies). An actual examination by a Physician must take place and the Physician must advise You to discontinue the trip’s activity(ies).
c) Inclement weather, Natural Disasters, Terrorist Attacks or mechanical breakdown of the Common Carrier that results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or destination for at least 48 consecutive hours.
d) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your destination due to a Natural Disaster. You must have 50% or less of Your Trip remaining at the time the mandatory evacuation ends, in order for this benefit to be payable.
e) Natural Disaster or documented man-made disaster at the point of departure or Your destination that renders Your primary residence or the accommodations at Your destination uninhabitable.
f) Adverse weather or Natural Disaster resulting in the obstruction of public roadways or curtailment of public transportation, that prevents Your ability to arrive at Your Land/Sea Arrangements.
g) A road closure causing a delay in reaching Your destination for at least 12 hours.
h) Strike that causes complete cessation of travel services of Your Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours.
i) Bankruptcy and/or Default of Your Travel Supplier that occurs more than 14 days following the Effective Date. Your Scheduled Departure Date must be no more than 12 months beyond the Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This coverage only applies if the Policy was purchased within 14 calendar days of the initial Trip payment.
j) The airport terminal from which You are scheduled to fly, is closed due to a documented security breach within 12 hours of arrival at the terminal or while You are physically at the terminal.
k) A politically motivated Terrorist Attack that occurs within 30 days of Your departure and within 50 miles of a City listed on Your itinerary. The Terrorist Attack must occur on or after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.
l) A documented theft of passports or visas. Documented means that You have reported the theft to the local authorities.
m) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic Accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure.
n) You and/or Your Traveling Companion are hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided You or Your Traveling Companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer; the victim of felonious assault; having Your principal place of residence made inaccessible and uninhabitable by a Natural Disaster; or burglary or vandalism of Your principal place of residence within 10 days of departure.
o) You or Your Traveling Companion are called to active military duty after the Effective Date.
p) You have, or Your Traveling Companion has, a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment.
q) Your transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which You are employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your principal residence.
r) Your Traveling Companion’s transfer, within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip, by the employer with which Your Traveling Companion is employed on the Effective Date that requires relocation of Your Traveling Companion’s principal residence.
s) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.
t) After at least three (3) years of full time continuous employment at the same company, Your Traveling Companion is terminated or laid-off from full time employment at such company within thirty (30) days of the date of Your Covered Trip.