$500 per person
Covered after 3 hour delay
Missed Connection can reimburse the additional costs for a traveler to catch up to their trip if they miss their departure for a covered reason.
We will pay the benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits if, during a Covered Trip, You missed a connecting flight by the minimum number of hours stated on the Schedule of Benefits resulting from cancellation or delay of all regularly scheduled airline flights due to Inclement Weather or any delay caused by a Common Carrier. Benefits of up to the amount shown on the Schedule of Benefits are provided to cover:
a) Additional transportation expenses needed for You to join the departed Covered Trip;
b) Reasonable accommodations and meal expenses; and
c) Non-refundable Covered Trip payments for the unused portion of Your Covered Trip.
Coverage is secondary to any compensation provided by a Common Carrier. Coverage will not be provided to You if You are able to meet Your scheduled connection departure but cancel Your Covered Trip due to Inclement Weather.