100% of the trip cost
Trip Cancellation provides reimbursement for prepaid and non-refundable trip payments if a trip is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances, including illness, injury, or death.
We will pay you up to the maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits for loss(es) incurred by you or your traveling companion for a covered trip cancelled up to the date and time of departure due to any of the following unforeseen events:
Health and Family
a. Any injury, death, or any unforeseen serious medical condition or sickness;
1. Occurring to you, your traveling companion or a family member traveling with you, that is so disabling as to cause a reasonable person to cancel their covered trip which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a physician at the time of loss preventing your continued use of the covered trip;
2. Occurring to a family member not traveling with you that is considered life-threatening, as certified by a physician. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a covered trip to be canceled and must be certified by a physician;
b. You or your traveling companion have complications of pregnancy. The onset of these conditions must occur after your effective date of coverage and must be verified by medical records.Transportation and Accommodation
a. You and/or your traveling companion are delayed due to a traffic accident, while en route to your destination. Traffic accident must be substantiated by a police report;
b. Mechanical/Equipment failure of a common carrier that occurs on or within one (1) day of a covered trip scheduled departure date and causes complete cessation of your travel for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours;c. Strike causing cancellation or delay of your pre-arranged travel services for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours; that causes complete cessation of services of your common carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours;
d. A road closure causing a delay in reaching your destination for at least twelve (12) hours; and
e. Complete or partial closure of the air traffic control tower or the airport from which you are scheduled to depart. Closure must be caused by fire or a power outage and must result in a delay of your covered trip for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours. This does not apply to closures caused by a natural disaster or inclement weather.
a. Weather at the departure site which causes complete cessation of services of your common carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours and prevents you from reaching your destination.
a. You or your traveling companion legally adopt a child and the date of the placement or adoption falls during your covered trip; you or your traveling companion are traveling for the purpose of adopting a child, but the adoption is cancelled for reasons beyond your control. The adoption must be approved prior to the effective date.
Personal Safety and Security
a. You and/or your traveling companion being hijacked, quarantined in the location where you are intending to travel, required to serve on a jury, subpoenaed, or required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided you or yourtraveling companion are not a party to the legal action or appearing as a law enforcement officer or the victim of felonious assault within ten (10) days of departure;
b. You, yourtraveling companion or family member are kidnapped or disappear as substantiated by a police report and have not returned within ten (10) days of the scheduled departure date;c. Theft of passports, travel documents, or visas specifically required for your covered trip within fourteen (14) days of the scheduled departure date. The theft must be substantiated by a police report; and
d. Cancellation of a covered trip as a result of: riot, or civil disorder at the departure site for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours preventing you from reaching your destination.
a. You or your traveling companion are called to active military duty to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster, or military leave is revoked orreassigned within thirty (30) days of the scheduled departure date, except because of war, the War Powers Act, or disciplinary action. The military leave for the dates of travel must have been approved prior to the effective date
Trip Cancellation Exclusions:
In addition to the General Limitations and Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to the Trip Cancellation Benefit. No benefits will be paid for any loss for, caused by, or resulting from:
a. Travel arrangements canceled by an airline, charter, cruise line, or tour operator, except as provided elsewhere in the plan;
b. Changes in plans by you, a family member, or your traveling companion, for any reason;c. Financial circumstances of you, a family member, or your traveling companion;
d. Any business or contractual obligations of you, a family member, or your traveling companion, for any reason;
e. Any government regulation or prohibition;
f. An event which occurs prior to your coverage effective date;
g. Failure of any tour operator, common carrier, person or agency to provide the bargained-for travel arrangements or to refund money due you;
h. Financial default;
i. Traveling for the purpose of securing medical treatment; andj. Payments made for this policy.
We will reimburse you, up to the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption maximum amount shown in the schedule of benefits, for the additional cost incurred during the covered trip as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements if a person booked to share accommodations with you has his/her trip canceled, or interrupted due to any of the unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption section and you do not cancel.